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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Public Building and Site Commission held on Tuesday, October 26, 2010. Chairman Robert Mitchell called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Present: Robert Mitchell, Thomas Catalina, Anthony D’Angelo, James Juliano, Roger Letso, Peter Samoskevich, Joseph Whelan. Absent: Robert Edwards, Joseph Girgasky.

Also Present: Clerk of the Works William Knight, Fletcher Thompson representative Joseph Costa, Morganti representative Mark Schweitzer, Board of Ed member David Nanavaty, Chairman of the Fairfield Hills Master Plan Review Committee Michael Floros, two members of public, one member of the press.

Public Participation.

Minutes. Upon motion of Mr. D’Angelo, the minutes of the regular meeting of  September 28, 2010 were unanimously accepted as presented.

High School Expansion Project.

Mr. Schweitzer noted that the move in date has been postponed to December 1 for the academic addition. He noted that the TCO is needed before the teachers can utilize the addition. November 26 is the projected completion date for the gym but Morganti will try for November 22. Mr. Knight noted that there is an issue as to whether the bleachers will be in by then. Mr. Nanavaty is hoping that the gym will be done by November 22 for girls’ basketball. Mr. Costa asked if a TCO can be obtained without the bleachers; Mr. Schweitzer will check with the Building Official. He will also see when the gym is needed for practice so that this does not conflict with the work being done there. Faculty lounge, nurses suite and internet sections need to be completed. Also the art studio and two art rooms. Mr. Costa said that the furniture is in and needs a move in date from Morganti. Mr. Schweitzer, Mr. Costa and Mr. Knight cannot identify any issues that would hold up a TCO. Mr. Knight will start the punch list.  

Lisa Floros, 32 Queen Street, a Vice-President of the PTSA for the High School, read a letter about the concerns with the delays in completion of the addition (Attachment A to original minutes). Mrs. Floros asked if there are monetary penalties when the project is delayed. Mr. Mitchell asked if the State allows liquidated damages; Mr. Costa said that proving liquidated damages is difficult.

Carla Kron, President of the PTSA asked what is holding up completion. She noted that this has an impact on many groups. She thanked the Commission for their work on the project. Mr. Schweitzer said that the Fire Marshal has issues.

Mr. Mitchell noted that December 1 is the move in date. He noted that Morganti has been advised by the Town that if a subcontractor is not performing another should be hired.

Mr. Mitchell is expecting Morganti to deliver to the Commission by the end of this week a day by day schedule for the completion of the project. Mr. Knight is to review progress and report to the Commission if any milestones are not being met.  Mr. Mitchell also noted that Mr. Knight has been invaluable to the Commission in this project.

Mr. Knight reported that the masonry corrective actions are ongoing.

Mr. Mitchell noted that the punch list items need to be identified and/or corrected by December 1 as well as substantial completion by that date.  

Mr. Mitchell noted that the Town does not have a formal close out procedure and that the Commission developed one for Town Hall. He requested that Morganti and Fletcher-Thompson develop a procedure for the High School project that meets the State guidelines.

Greenhouse. Mr. Schweitzer distributed “Preliminary Review of Greenhouse Quotes” (Attachment B to original minutes).  Five greenhouse manufacturers submitted quotes which ranged from $76,000 to $205,000. To date $16,800 has been expended on the greenhouse for excavation, gas service, etc. The Board of Ed needs to agree that these prices meet the Ed Spec. Mr. Mitchell asked Mr. Costa to provide a recommendation to the Commission to be provided to the Town. Mr. Nanavaty said that this does not have to come back to the Board of Education but that the staff involved should decide which one meets the Ed Spec and report back to the Public Building and Site Commission. He noted that the cost must include credits due and the cost of the exclusions from the quotes. Mr. Mitchell said that this needs to be closed out before Thanksgiving. The Commission noted that the greenhouse figures were supposed to be provided to the Commission two weeks ago.

Mr. Mitchell asked for a formal proposal from Fletcher Thompson for an additional three days per week for additional Construction Administration fees over and above their contract. Mr. Costa said this includes work until December 1 and work if any beyond that date.

Review of Applications for Payment – High School Expansion Project

Mr. Mitchell noted that the change orders received today will be tabled pending review. He requested again that change orders be submitted two weeks prior to the meetings.

Mr. Mitchell presented the following Applications for Payment, invoices and Change Orders;

Morganti Application #16 in the amount of $1,729,776.93 which represents 81% completion.  Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend payment, pending the availability of funds ~Mr. Juliano seconded motion. ~All were in favor.

Fletcher Thompson invoice #16554 in the amount of  $10,000.00 ($9,544.00 will be tabled) and Fletcher Thompson invoice #16675 in the amount of $9,772. These were tabled at last month’s meeting. Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend payment of the above invoices, pending the availability of funds. ~Mr. Juliano seconded motion. All were in favor. These represent 97% completion.

Fletcher Thompson invoice #16655 in the amount of $2,633.20 for FF&E. Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend payment of the above invoices, pending the availability of funds. ~Mr. Samoskevich seconded motion. All were in favor.

Brooks Environmental invoice $5158 for $970. Mr. Samosevich recommended payment pending availability of funds. Second by Mr. Catalina. All were in favor.
New Business.

Fairfield Hills. Michael Floros, 32 Queen Street, is Chairman of the Fairfield Hills Master Plan Review Committee. He would like to share information with the Commission about the space needs at Fairfield Hills. Mr. Mitchell noted that in the past the Fairfield Hills Authority handled all projects at Fairfield Hills but that projects at Fairfield Hills will now be referred to the Public Building and Site Commission.  Mr. Floros discussed the charge to the Committee by the Board of Selectmen.  Mr. Mitchell asked that a member of Public Building attend the next meeting of the Fairfield Hills Master Plan Review Committee.

Middle School Roof. Mr. Catalina reported that 22 Requests for Qualifications were issued by the Town to be opened Thursday.
Animal Control Facility. No report.
Hook and Ladder building. No report.

Unfinished Business

Middle School Roof. Mr. Catalina reported that 22 requests for qualifications were submitted to be opened Thursday.
Animal Control Facility. No report.
Hook and Ladder building. No report.

New Business (continued). Mr. Mitchell reported that the Town is setting up a sustainable energy initiative and asked that a Commissioner volunteer to interface with the Town and the Sustainable Energy Commission.  

Unfinished Business

Community Center. O&G had distributed to the Commission a copy of their new documents and cost estimates for design of the building. Mr. Letso will review the proposal.  Mr. Mitchell asked that Mr. Letso recommend to the Commission whether the O&G contract can now be closed out with this proposal.

General review of Charter requirements for the Public Building & Site Commission. Mr. Mitchell said that the Commission needs to define its roles within the Charter and the Ordinance. He said that the draft that he wrote should be reviewed as an expansion of what is in the charter. He asked for comments from the Commissioners.  
Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk